Monday, March 24, 2014

Wildgrowth Forest - Tracker Camp

Today I took the rift from Khal to the Wildgrowth Forest on the continent of the Kojan Isles. Immediately I felt small, very small. The trees and vegetation were vastly overgrown compared to anything I ever seen before.

I got a faint whiff of smoke hit my nostrils. To my right I could see a flicker of flame from what appeared to be a campfire. I approached slowly and made my presence known as not to startle the Goblin and two Orcs before me. 

"Yeh must be Waylian, you are as you were described to me back at Gulkar's Encampment from Warseer Gulkar. I heard of you and your group's exploits at the Gardens of Xia'Liu. Well met fellow adventurer." she said in a strong but honoring tone, then continued. "I am Tracker Lorhu". 

"Greetings Lorhu, Waylian Silvershaper at your service." Waylain replied while bowing low. Turning to his left "And you ar----"

"NOK! Tracker Nok" the burly orc snapped.

"Greetings to you Nok, --" Waylian started.

"Yeah, yeah enough. Are you going to lend us a hand around here or make small talk?"  Nok interjected.

"Pay him no mind, he hasn't had much rest these past few days on watch." Lorhu quipped.

The Goblin stood quietly as if not to care in the slightest. We sat by the fire where the trackers informed me of the strange and odd things about the forest and the Yukonia influence here. I already knew of there influence and these

beings were not to be dismissed as a minor nuisance. Lorhu told me of a creature here that looks like vines and roots. She wanted me to slay as many as possibly to prevent them from spreading the pod trees in the area. 

Nok told me of the growing number of unusual pod trees. The large ones were too hard to cut down so he wanted me to collect some sprouts from the smaller pods. So I set out and to my chagrin these pod sprouts were taller than me. So off I went in to the Wildgrowth Forest.
One thing they never told me about was the spiders in the area. The very large Yellowback Recluse spiders, many of them. I am sure they just overlooked telling me.

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